
Activity stats

What is the best way to show the stats you're interested in? Creating the graphs yourself. Using the data from strava, here are my stats!

Streaks of active days

Stay active is easy. But stay active every day is a bit more difficult, especially when you do it for 20, 40, 50 days... Here are my top streaks of active days (and the current one).



I've now achieved a lot, and reached several milestones. Let's see the main ones...


Yearly variable

In which year did I ride the most? To see the evolution day by day, according to several variables.

From / to:

Over the years

To see when I used each of my bikes...

Road to Eddington

Do you know the Eddington number? To get the a value of 100, you have to do 100 rides of more than 100km. It took me 7 years to achieve it (see here). So now the goal is to do 500 activities with at least 500m of elevation gain.

Ride every distance

The goal here is to do an activity of every distance

Active days

In early 2020, I started a challenge: be active 366 days in the year. I failed because I got sick. But I tried again in 2021 and sucessfully finished the challenge! But how complete are the other years?

Rolling distance

What is the maximal distance I covered in 28 consecute days? When was it?

Rolling distance 2

But what about 10 days? 2 weeks? 1 month? 1 year?

Per date

Ok, let's do a summary per year.

[rides only]

Or per month.

Or day of week.

Per location

Where was I the most active? [rides only]

Per bike

What is my favorite bike? [or hike]

Per activity type

What is my favorite activity type?

Anything missing?

If you're thinking of another interesting stat, let me know!

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